Monday, March 15, 2010

All the gear and no idea'r

Everyday I meet people who are triple treats. Everyday. These people can sing, dance, AND act. I am not one of those people. As I will never amount to being a triple threat, I have decided that I am going to become a double threat. Hence the reason I have taken up snowboarding. I have rented myself a board and I have decided that I am going to become a snowboard chick during the last 5 weeks of the season. The snow blows and there is no need to go off-piste skiing, thus, I am going to wreck myself on a board. I have spent one entire day on a board and I have managed to perfect the art of boarding down blues and reds. As I walked out of the chalet this morning, I felt like a total knob with my board and my boots. Not to say that snowboarders are tools, I just felt like one as I had no clue what to do with my board, how to carry it, let alone how to walk in the boots. I was a bit weary as to how the day was going to play out, however; I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that it is not as hard as it looks. I have quite a lot of war wounds on my knees to prove how "easy" it is. I also cant move my shoulders or wrists. It is so worth it though. Soon I will be murdering the park, pulling 720s and Methods off the jumps. Ha! Even though I am going to become a pretend snowboarding chick, I do have to say that my heart still belongs and will always belong to skiing.

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