Dear Bernie,
Although no one wants to tell me for fear that I will worry and will come home too early, I have heard through the grapevine that you miss me and that you wait for me by the front door in hopes that I will walk through. I wish I could say that I don't miss you and that I don't think about you, but that would be a blatant lie. I think about you daily and often seem to find myself referencing you during conversations with strangers. I brag about you to everyone I meet. I walk by other creatures of your nature and seem to marvel to myself how perfect you are. Although I haven't even been gone long, it feels as though I have not seen you for an eternity. I miss our long talks, our Forest Park excursions, our dog park adventures, as well as the times when I am sequestered to a corner of my bed because you are sprawled out from one side to the other. Hell, I miss it all. Even your flatulence problems. I hope you know that I will be back soon. Until then, just know that a day does not pass by without me having sent numerous thoughts your way. Spend the time enjoying all of the peanuts, eggs, and treats that grandma and grandpa lay before you. They love you so.
So, da gehe jetzt schlaffen mein kleines Schweinschen.
Bis bald mein Liebschen.